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Behavior Expectations

In the classroom, it is vital that all students feel safe, appreciated, and respected.  In order for this to occur, students will be learning how to be respectful and responsible citizens.  In my classroom, we will be using a color chart system to help students stay focused while at school.

Classroom Rules
Be responsible
Raise your hand to speak
Keep your hands to yourself
Keep your places neat

Color Chart

Green:    The student has gone above and beyond expectations!  They will receive a sticker at the end of the day.

White:    The student has followed directions (students will begin every day on         white).  

Yellow: The student had to be reminded to follow directions.

Orange: The student had to be reminded to follow directions for the second time.  Note will be sent home for parent to sign and return the following school         day. Student will lose 10 minutes of recess.

Red: The student had to be reminded to follow directions for the third         time.  Behavior note will be sent home to be signed and returned the following school day. Student will call parent to explain their behavior and will lose recess time.  Student may be sent to see Mrs. Hernandez.

Students on white or green will be given a stamp at the end of the day.
Students on green will be given a sticker at the end of the day.


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